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주파수 분석장비(PC-Based)
S80Xi-P08 | Spider-80Xi front-end card Eight 24 bit inputs (Voltage, IEPE), 102.4 kHz sampling. 4 GB data flash, BNC connectors. Order it with S80Xi-A35-4N or S80Xi-A35-8N. Includes FFT Analysis Software (DSA-10). |
적용 분야
▶자동차 NVH(Automotive NVH Industry)
▶원격 진동 소음 모니터링 (Remote Noise and Vibration Monitoring)
▶다이나믹 소음 진동 분석 (Dynamic Signal Analysis)
▶도로 소음 진동 데이터 분석 (Road Test Data Collection)
▶음향 분석 (Acoustic Analysis)
▶진동 테스트 (Vibration Testing)
▶모달 분석 (Modal Analysis)
▶옥타브 분석 (Octave Analysis)
▶오더 분석 (Order Analysis)
▶기계 상태 모니터링 (Machine Condition Monitoring)
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